For a $200 fee, you can take the Driver's Education course online.
Lehi High School offers Utah Online Driver’s Education Course to students who attend Lehi High School. The Online Driver Education Course meets the Utah State requirements for the classroom theory requirement for a driver’s license. A student has 90 days (3 months) to complete the course for approximately 30 hours. The student must pass each assignment with a minimum of 70% correct to complete the course. No letter grade will be given, no credit will be generated, there will be no effect on a student’s GPA and does NOT require a proctored final. STEP ONE - Eligibility To enroll in the course a student must: (open enrollment)
STEP TWO - Registration Fee Payment Contact the Lehi High School finance office to pay for the course or you can go to “my school fee’s” online to pay for the course. The teacher will be notified of payment and will send an email to their Alpine School District assigned Gmail account with class code within 72 hours. STEP THREE - Complete Registration Form NOTICE: Pay your fee first before proceeding to the registration form. Completing the registration form without payment will prevent you from enrolling in this course. (It may take up to 72 hrs. to process your registration) STEP FOUR - Canvas Email Invitation You should receive an email with the link and instructions. If you do not receive an invitation then contact Mr. Rice by email: [email protected] STEP FIVE - After receiving the link begin the course. OTHER Course is not complete until all assignments are completed with 70% and Final with 80%, as well as completion of face to face 3. Student should use grades tab to verify completion of assignments. |
There is currently no in person class offering at Lehi High.